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Co-creating a vision in the open with 5000+ people - Agila Sverige

·1 min

This year Agila Sverige made a change and included talks in both Swedish and English. I pitched an idea for a talk on how we had worked in Red Hat to create a vision for continuous improvement using the Open Decision Framework.

Co-creating a vision in the open with 5000+ people

Agile transformation is hard. Any change or transformation is hard! How do we spark engagement in a 5000+ people organization?

Culture is not built, it emerges. How can we support an environment where people have the capability of emerging a culture of continuous improvement? How do we prepare our vision to something that everyone adheres to?

Being an open company, we set out to co-create our vision statement using the Open Decision Framework. I will share our story on how we collaborated to create a vision statement and the first three pillars to prepare us for the coming change journey and set us up for success.

A screenshot from the recorded talk on YouTube showing me mid-sentence.
Mid-sentence in my talk